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Have received a lot of responses from Wednesday’s email

which asked you about

what was your biggest stumbling block

when it comes to getting in shape.

And unsurprisingly most of the lads mentioned

the lack of time.

Which is fair enough,

with a busy job and a young family.

There ain’t much time left for YOU.

Which is sh#t because you suffer as a result.

And when you can’t get any decent exercise in

that belly is not gonna need a second invitation to start growing.

It’s a dangerous rut that you can find yourself stuck in

without even realising it.

I see it so often with the lads who join Bulletproof Dad.

I know when you go on my Facebook page

you see videos of the lads doing big exercises

but I can assure you,

most of them didn’t start off at that level of strength & fitness.

That comes with practice & time.

But the big thing I try to communicate on these emails is this,

I appreciate your time is limited


I promise you getting back in shape requires

a lot less time than you think.

Once you do it in the right way.

Combining proper strength training

with making a few changes with your food.

I see the lads in Bulletproof Dad 2 hours a week,

that’s it.

But because the training is bang on,

savage results like these get achieved:


Click the link & see for yourself if you don’t believe me

Andrew “2 hours a week” Lahart

PS after a month of having no availability for BPD

I’m opening up 2 spaces.

Gonna take 2 strategy calls on Monday

reply to this email if you want me to give you a call.