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When someone is desperate to lose weight,

they can be willing to try pretty much anything.

Desperate times can call for extreme measures.

Lads can be every bit as guilty as women.

You want to look and feel better,

nothing wrong with that.

But the more failed attempts you’ve had at it,

the more likely you are to go the extreme route.

Going on borderline hunger strike

and then trying to punish yourself with exercise.

The point is most lads need more than just exercise,

they need an “outlet”

See usually they are caught up in a busy cycle of work & family life.

So they’ve barely anytime to invest in themselves.

A lot of lads rely solely on booze, food  as their outlet,

so their weight & their energy suffer.

It all comes down to choosing to make time for yourself

and then surrounding yourself with the right people

so that you have the best chance of succeeding

and keeping it up consistently.

And as you can see from my website

this is why the BPD program proves to be so popular.

Lads join for the results,

but they stay on for the support & motivation they got from both me

and the likeminded lads they train with.

Results like these:


Andrew “see for yourself“ Lahart